Sarah Mandel
Maid of Honor

Sarah and I have been best friends since 5th grade Hebrew class. On the first day of class Sarah chose the desk next to me in hopes that I would help her in the class. It wasn't until after our first sleepover that I realized we were more than just friends. Since Sarah is a twin, I erroneously assumed that if I wanted to have a sleepover party with Sarah then I had to also invite her twin. So, I invited them both and made a slumber party out of a sleepover. After our first slumber party, Sarah and I had our first serious conversation. Sarah explained to me that I was her best friend, not Alaina's best friend. From that moment I understood that we were more than just friends. As proof, we even shared matching green bestie bracelets. Together, we have shared so many first moments, memories, and conversations. From childhood to adulthood Sarah has shaped the woman I am today. As I begin my married life, I am lucky to have a life long friend stand beside me as my Maid of Honor.

Chelsea Amos
Matron of Honor

For those of you who do not know, people touching my knees gives me the heebie-jeebies. (I happen to think this is perfectly normal!) Early on in Trevor and I's relationship, Chelsea embraced her role as a future sister and took her job of teasing her sister-to-be very seriously by cornering me on the couch and poking my knees. Since then, I have known that Chelsea is not merely a friend but also a sister who is comfortable enough to point out my silly quirks. Over time, Chelsea and I have shared many memories and family holidays with one another. I have stood beside her as she married her life partner, shared in her excitement as she bought her first house, and spoiled my baby niece before she was even born. When I say I do to Trevor, I know that I am saying yes to so much more than a husband. I am saying yes to a family, yes to a sister, and yes to a lifelong friendship. As I begin my married life, I am lucky to have a new sister stand beside me as my Matron of Honor.

Jordyn Seidman

Jordyn has embraced me as a sister from the moment we met but her acceptance was tested during our first family vacation. During the cruise, we shared not only a room but also a bed. I have always known that my dad is a sleep talker but I did not fully realize that I had inherited this trait. When I awoke one morning Jordy was gone. She later described the night's events. While asleep I had muttered some incoherent words. Unsure if I was awake Jordy asked if I was asleep. I replied by scratching and clawing at my pillow. At that moment I may have scared Jordy away from sharing a bed with me but I have not scared her away from sisterhood. In difficult and celebratory moments alike, Jordy has continued to stand beside me as a sister. As I begin my married life, I am lucky to have a sister to stand beside me as my Bridesmaid.

Sakshi Suri

I have not always chosen to surround myself with the best the world has to offer when it comes to guys. Yet, Sakshi has always been there to tell me what others may not always want to tell me. When Sakshi finally met Trevor I prepared to hear the truth but she did not denounce my budding love. That was how I knew for certain that I had chosen the right boyfriend. Her blunt honesty guided me through highschool as we tackled overly ambitious school government projects and sauntered our way onto the dance team. In college we continued to dance, spending many evenings dancing the night away. I know that Sakshi will be beside me dancing the night away on my wedding night and for all life’s future celebrations. As I begin my married life, I am lucky to have a dance partner and an honest friend to stand beside me as my Bridesmaid.

Emma Hughes

I would like to say that I played soccer in high school because of some passion or talent that I have but really I just wanted to make some friends. Yet, I did not realize that tryouts began prior to the start of school. Despite missing the first week of soccer practice and my aimless kicking, Emma graciously welcomed me to the team. She has always supported me from the moment I met her even when my prospects of success were low. Through the next four years of highschool Emma and I challenged one another with thoughtful discussions and laughed at highschool mishaps (especially those mishaps involving boys!). Emma is one of the strongest women I know and I am lucky to be empowered by her support. Every girl needs a friend like Emma. As I begin my married life, I am lucky to have a strong supportive friend to stand beside me as my Bridesmaid.

Hadjira Ishaq

Hadjira and I met for the first time during the summer before freshman year of college. During orientation I was paired with a disastrous roommate. Suddenly scared of ending up with a bad freshman roommate, I quickly decided that Hadjira seemed like a safe choice. Although our friendship began from a sudden fear of being assigned a bad roommate, I found Hadjira to be more than a "safe" choice. We shared our first year of college, we shared friends, and we shared a tiny white brick room. We even shared an igloo one winter. My "safe" choice ended up being my roommate for all four years of college. Hadjira was beside me as I chose my outfit for my first date with Trevor, talked about the challenges of a semi-long distance relationship, and fell in love with my life partner. As I begin my married life, I am lucky to have a true friend to stand beside me as my Bridesmaid.