Our first real date.
It was at an Olive Garden on a double date with friends because Kelley was too nervous to go alone. (Even though they had already had a suedo date that doesn't count)
The distance...
Justin used to drive up to River Falls most weekends to visit me in school. This is that distance.
Mutual Intrests
They soon discovered they both had a love for video games (and pugs!) and used them to bridge the gap of not being able to see one another in person
Shared outings
Kelley shared with Justin her love of the zoo and in turn he also started to enjoy going, and he shared with her his love of computers and how they worked though she still doesn't quite get it.
Falling In Love
Despite the distance, there was an instant connection we both felt.
Family Bonding
As the relationship grew both parties became closer with each other as well as with the families sharing fun times like a twins game (Justin's First!)
More Family Bonding
We also did Ren Fest with his family.
Making memories
We also went on a lot of outings with friends
All with love
And more Weddings
We Went to a lot of weddings a long the way
Uh oh....
And even had some troubles ;)
Till one day...
In the end we both love each other and Justin surprised me with a ring and I couldn't have been more happy!