Kelley & Justin

August 16, 2014


Thank you for visiting! We are very excited to spend our special day with you. Feel free to sign in, leave messages, and upload pictures.
Our first real date.
The distance...
Mutual Intrests
Shared outings
Falling In Love
Family Bonding
More Family Bonding
Making memories
All with love
And more Weddings
Uh oh....
Till one day...
Aug 16

7:00 pm

Willow Creek Golf Course
1700 48th St SW
Rochester, MN 55902
United States

Panorama Image
Color Palette
Parking Info

There will be parking available at the location, plenty of space. Those staying at the hotel there is a free shuttle to and from the hotel for you.

Key People
Emily Neville
Emily Neville
Maid of Honor
Friends with the bride from college, also a former roommate. She is always there listening and helping the bride stay calm.
Lynsie Nicol Oswald
Lynsie Nicol Oswald
Though 6 years older then the bride they have become closer then ever in recent years. Exchanging sisterly advice via letters and texts while living a state away.
Cameo Lechner
Cameo Lechner
Bridesmaid/Close Friend
A roommate of the bride for 2 years, they are best of friends.
Rebecca Wilson
Rebecca Wilson
Bridesmaid/High School Friend
A highschool friend of the bride. She also helps the bride with her writing.
Emily Gammell
Emily Gammell
The groom's sister in law, she and the bride were instant friends when they were introduced 3 years ago.
James Bletsch
James Bletsch
Best Man/Co-worker
James has worker with Justin since he started at the County, they are good friends outside of work as well.
Joel Hansen
Joel Hansen
Second Best Man/ Co-worker
Joel is also a co worker of the grooms, whom has become a good friend outside of work as well
Alex Gammell
Alex Gammell
Grooms youngest brother, went to colloge with the bride. Introduced the bride and the groom.
andrew gammell
andrew gammell
Groom's younger brother. Currently in the Air Force he is coming home for the wedding.
Matt Nicol
Matt Nicol
The Bride's older brother, he has always protected her. Him and the groom have binded over cars and video games and he views him as family now
Josh Gammell
Josh Gammell
Justin's older brother, him and his wife spend nights watching tv shows with the bride and groom when avalible.
Josh Oswald
Josh Oswald
Bride's brother-in-law he constantly teases the groom about joining the family.
Joe Emery
Joe Emery
Usher/Close Friend
Joe went to college with the bride and they are close friends. Over time Joe has also become friends with the Groom.
Lydia Gammell
Lydia Gammell
Robert Gammell
Robert Gammell
Sue Nicol
Sue Nicol
Mike Nicol
Mike Nicol
Father of the Bride
Mike Nicol is the Father of the Bride and an all around funny guy.

Comfort Suites

(507) 424-2720

4141 Maine Ave SE, Rochester, MN 55904

When Reserving make sure to be under the Nicol or Gammell wedding group for special pricing. :)

Parking Info

There is parking at Willow Creek. However for those of you staying at the hotel they will be offering a shuttle to and from the venue. We will be posting shuttle times later when it gets closer.

Things to Do


Kelley's Uncle Dave will be setting up a group for golfing. If you would like to join please contact him and let him know.

His number is - 612.247.7327
