Kyra and Donald
February 20, 2020

A Special Note
We want to thank you all in advance for being a part of our lives and express our gratitude to those who have set aside their weekend to celebrate our union. We're thrilled to make lasting memories and share an amazing evening with our wonderful family. We couldn't fathom what we would do without each and every one of you. We are forever thankful for the imprint you have had on our lives. We send our love to you and can't wait to celebrate!
-Kyra Del & Donald Ray
The Start
It was December 17th, 2011 and I had just graduated from Florida State University. After a celebratory family lunch, my mom and I decided to meet at a lounge in Hotel Duval called Level 8, where we would take some sunset photos in my cap and gown to capture the moment. Fate had also brought Donald to this spot to celebrate his graduation with his family. After taking a few photos with my mom, well maybe more than a few, Donald approached us and kindly offered to take over. That was it. The first of many conversations had begun. I was impressed within minutes, which doesn’t happen often. Donald was (and still is) handsome, funny, and the kind of man that would give a stranger the shirt off his back. With my mom’s immense love for photographs, he impressed her as well by his kind gestures. She became persistent about us getting to know one another. Relentlessly telling Donald and I that we should hang out, become Facebook friends, take a photo together, get each other’s contact info… etc... etc… etc… I was smitten with Donald, but knew I was soon to be leaving Tallahassee, so I simply laughed off her embarrassing comments. While waiting for the elevator, time was fleeting, as a last-ditch effort to persuade me she turned and said… “Kyra, please just go get his number! What will it hurt? He was so nice and look how sweet he is to his mom. You never know…” As the elevator arrived, I was hesitant. Instead of getting on, I turned around. Good thing I stepped in the right direction. -KDV
We Meet Again
The days following graduation, Kyra & I tried to meet up, but with her moving & both of our families in town we weren’t able to make it happen. In January, luck brought her back to Tallahassee, where I was still living. We finally reunited. On February 29th, 2012 I asked her to be my girlfriend—I thought I was smooth with the leap year. Little did I know we would now have two anniversaries, one being every four years. Our story would continue with many trips back & forth from Tallahassee to Fort Lauderdale. That June, I decided to make the move to South Florida. -DRB
She Said Yes
I was sure Kyra, like most girls, expected a fairy-tale proposal. I knew that I needed to plan accordingly, but it turns out I had no idea... Looking back, I should have had a backup plan. Growing up, Kyra’s dad had always made Sweetest Day extra special, so this would be the perfect day & it was obvious that Tallahassee, where we first met, would be the ideal location. We would stay at the Hotel Duval & I would propose to Kyra on the Level 8 balcony, where we first met. The plan was a private brunch at level 8, where I would give her a custom Florida State sweatshirt, with my last name on the back & a diamond ring in the front pocket. While modeling the new hoody she would discover the ring & I would pop the question. Unfortunately, things don’t always go according to plan. We did go on the trip and had an amazing time but Kyra is nearly impossible to surprise – seriously, it’s like trying to sneak up on Chuck Norris.
My second attempt was on a cruise. Initially, I had intended to propose to Kyra while we were exploring the underground caves of the Amazing Secret River in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. In the pictures online it appeared that everyone was wearing swimming attire, so I figured that I would simply put the ring in my board-shorts pocket & when the moment was right, BOOM! We arrived at the camp & prepared for our journey. Our group was instructed to rinse off under a series of outside showers prior to receiving instructions & gear. Immediately after our “Mexican shower” we were lined up & sized for our wet-suits. WET-SUITS!?! All I kept imagining was everyone’s reaction, as I’m stripping off my wet-suit mid-tour, while fishing around in my shorts for this ring - Not a good look – We ended up having an epic adventure, even though the ring stayed safe in my pocket the entire day. I did end up proposing to Kyra & she said YES! – so far, officially marking the happiest day of my life. Looking back, we know that all of the intricate details mean little in comparison to the person you are spending that moment with. To me, it was the simple fact that the love of my life had agreed to be with me forever. -DRB
My Groom
Donald, an only child, was raised in Winter Springs, Florida. Growing up he played just about every sport a kid could play. Donald had a passion for the water and could be found surfing whenever he got the chance, sometimes skipping school to do so. After high school, Donald decided to go work in his father’s business. Years later he chose to go back to school bringing him to Florida State University, where he studied Psychology and worked in Property Management. Donald still gets calls to this day regarding fire alarms going off in student housing. After graduating, Donald continued to work in Property Management with some adventures along the way. From the moment Donald and I reunited I knew my mom was right. He’s definitely someone special and I’ve never met anyone like him. From the start, everything just felt right. I guess it’s true… when you know, you know. He is caring, genuine, and selfless; a one of a kind gentleman that goes above and beyond to help others on a daily basis. I vividly remember a winter in Michigan. I had just arrived back home from dinner with my mom. It was absolutely freezing. To say that it had snowed a lot the last couple days would be quite an understatement. For those that don’t know, you can get fined by the city for not shoveling the snow on your sidewalk…. “WHAT… can’t we just wait until it melts?!?”. That was my first thought, I’m clearly still learning. When I pulled up our entire sidewalk was shoveled, and from the looks it seemed as though our neighbor and Donald had shoveled together. When I got inside I asked him about it. Turns out he put in all that work because our sweet neighbor hadn’t done hers yet, and he merely wanted to offer up a helping hand. This is just one of the many times his actions have shown me how lucky I am. Donald is one of the kindest people I have ever met. He is an amazing chef, a great driver, the best handyman, and an even better dancer. He can rap almost every Eminem song (word for word-it’s a talent), he loves his family, is trustworthy, and the hardest worker, to name very few. Donald is someone I constantly look up to and learn from every day. I feel so lucky to be his future wife and I can't wait to grow old with him. My soon to be hubby, thank you for loving me unconditionally and always making me smile. Donald, I’ve built my dreams around you and I’ll love you until the oceans run dry and the stars cease to shine-even longer than that-forever and always. -KDV
My Bride
Kyra is a twin, one of seven children, & sixth in line. Born in Miami & raised in Hollywood then Ft. Lauderdale she's a true Florida girl. As a child, she was a nurturer with quite the imagination. With a mom that loved being on stage, Kyra was put into dance at a very young age, attending summer intensives at Miami City Ballet & San Francisco Ballet (among others) to perfect her craft. To this day, San Francisco is her favorite city. Through the years, Kyra met amazing girls who turned out to be lifelong friends. Coming from a tight-knit family, Kyra enjoyed having fun & spending time with her loved ones. From Pine Crest to graduating from Westminster Academy, Kyra soon packed her bags & moved to Tallahassee. While “studying” at Florida State University-Kyra made amazing memories. She loved her FSU football games, the occasional West 10 pool party, darts at The Palace, music at Bullwinkle’s & surprisingly Exam Week (yes, she actually misses taking exams). Shortly after graduating from FSU, Kyra got a job in the hospitality industry working with the Events & Revenue team.
Kyra is brilliant – She’s extremely loving & a great partner on the dance floor. A world-class dart player & believes she’s good at Poker & Blackjack. She enjoys traveling & exploring all the world has to offer, as well as loving our relaxing nights in together. From pumpkin spice lattes to crying over the Bachelor (nobody’s perfect) – Her mom was right, “when Kyra’s around you’ll never get bored”. Her license plate says it all, she's “SILLY” & I love it! Kyra is extremely thoughtful; she always knows how to make me smile. Did I mention, she's stunningly beautiful? She is one of the most caring people I have ever met - she has the most beautiful smile & she’s a very gifted singer (she landed the 3rd grade solo) - she is also blessed with this amazing ability to make even the most ordinary of moments seem like a special occasion — This list could literally go on for pages, but she’s been telling me the Save the Dates needed to be out months ago. To put it in the simplest of terms, Kyra is the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. I cannot wait to see all of the love & adventure that awaits us in the future as husband & wife. I feel so incredibly blessed to have crossed paths with her in Tally. I believe in her more than anyone I have ever met & can’t wait to say “I do”. -DRB
Kyra & Donald
Where to stay