Deb & Dion

May 2, 2020

May 2

2:45 pm
TO 11:00 pm

96 Crohamhurst Rd
96 Crohamhurst Road
Crohamhurst, 4519

Directions & Map



On the Day

We can’t wait to celebrate our wedding day with you!

Ceremony kick off is at 3:00pm so please arrive by 2:45pm at the latest grab a drink, settle in, and find a seat.

Then, drinks on the deck and games on the grass.

Kicking on for dinner and then hitting the dance floor so please don’t forget your dancing shoes!

A little comment on gifts, your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. However, should’ve you wish to help us celebrate with a gift, a wishing well will be available at the reception.

There’s a lot of parking on site and you can leave your car overnight so carpool where you can.

For anyone travelling or looking for a weekend away we recommend staying in the Maleny area to be as close to the venue as possible.

Cabs and Uber will come to the property, however we will look to organise a bus back to town at the end of the night if we have the numbers.

Finally whilst we love your little ones, the reception will be an adults only affair so you can have the night off and let your hair down!

Any questions please send them through to us

Dion 04024039671

Deb 0488065041

May 3

12:00 pm
TO 3:00 pm

Directions & Map

Brouhaha Brewery

6/39 Coral Street

Maleny QLD 4552



Join us the following day at Brewhaha brewery in Maleny for a recovery lunch and beer to debrief the night!